PhD.c Medicine, B.Hlth & MedSc (Hons), B.BioMedSc, Cert III & IV Fitness, Level 1 Powerlifting Coach, Sports Trainer
Chris is a coach with knowledge and experience in athletics, strength & conditioning, sport specific training and athletic development with an avid focus towards speed development and sprint training.
Through his studies in biomedical sciences and medical research, he has a developed a unique understanding of human physiology and adaptations which he applies to training and sports injury rehab.
Chris is a seasoned athlete having excelled in various sports from a young age, from semi-professional soccer to bodybuilding, powerlifting and currently track & field sprinting with the Victorian Athletics League. This has also given him a greater outlook and ability to apply various training priniciples to each individual and athlete of all calibres, creating tailored programs to improve their overall performance and reach their full potential.
Currently, Chris is completing his PhD (Medicine) in Cancer Research, developing novel agents to better detect and diagnose breast cancer at an early stage to improve patient prognosis.