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Osteopathy – what is it?

Osteopathy focuses on the whole body and promote healing by combining a range of therapies to help restore movement, reduce pain and to support the body’s natural ability to function optimally.

Osteopaths provide individual treatment and management plans to help you manage everyday aches and pains, promote recovery from injury and help with chronic condition flareups throughout life by promoting active living and ageing (Osteopathy Australia, 2024).

Treatments may include a combination of soft tissue therapy, joint mobilisation, manipulation, dry needling, stretching and exercises combined with education and advice on how to improve overall wellbeing. (Osteopathy Australia, 2024).

All treatments are tailored to your needs following a comprehensive assessment.

On the spot health fund rebates may apply if you have extras cover.
For a comprehensive description of how osteopathy can help you please visit the Osteopathy Australia – What is osteo (https://whatisosteo.com/).

What can Osteopathy help with?

Osteopathy can benefit everyone from infants, children, teenagers, adults to seniors. It may help to manage musculoskeletal conditions such as:

– Lower back pain
– Neck and shoulder pain
– Headaches and migraines, chronic neck pain
– Jaw (TMJ) and sinus pain
– Shoulder conditions
– Postural problems
– Thoracic outlet syndrome, rib and breathing dysfunction\
– Sports related injuries, tendinopathies, muscle strains, ligament sprains
– Pre/Post- surgery Rehabilitation
– Elbow, wrist and hand pain
– Pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic pain
– ITB, hip, knee and foot issues
– Osteoarthritis
– Pre/Post natal pain management

Osteopathy Services at Rehab+